Why Families Choose HFA

Hear directly from HFA Parents - "Home visiting changed our lives forever"

Erica Beck

HFA Parent, testifying at congressional hearing

I also think it’s important that Myia [my home visitor] says, “I’m proud of you. I’m proud of the kids”. Not everyone has family that does that for them. She makes people feel loved because a lot of times they don’t have that. Myia, and all the home visiting team at Henry Booth, are encouraging us. I would tell any parent thinking about Healthy Families Ameirca to try it. Home visiting changed our lives forever.


HFA Parent Graduate of the Year, 2019

You know, I always got told that my life was going to end because I was pregnant and having a child at a young age. Life really doesn’t end, it’s the start of something new, a new adventure with a little person who you want to be able to give the world to! Having a [home visitor] is having someone who cares for you and that little person. It feels great to have someone care for you the way Ana [my home visitor] cared for me and my child.


HFA Parent Graduate from DC

What is your advice to other parents?

Not to be afraid, because sometimes we don’t want to let anyone in our homes for fear that we will lose our privacy. But home visitors only come to help us grow as parents and human beings. What I learned is invaluable.

My [home visitor] is more than someone who helps me; she is like a family member, and we share a common interest that is my daughter and her development. This whole program gave me emotional and cognitive support, and material resources.

Erica Beck sits at the microphone, speaking

Erica Beck

HFA Parent, testifying at congressional hearing


HFA Parent Graduate of the Year, 2019


HFA Parent Graduate from DC

HFA meets you where you are! When you get connected you can expect:

No assumptions, no judgment

You can bring your fears, emotions, worries, concerns, questions, and more to us. We’ll be there to validate what you’re feeling and care for you in that moment. Also, we know parenting can make life chaotic—we don’t expect you to have a clean house, have showered, or anything like that. We are human just like you; there is no judgment from us on any of that.

Lots of encouragement!

We are always looking for and celebrating those moments of joy between parents and their kids, and we want to help bring joy to your life as well.

We are encouraging and supportive, and we like to celebrate BIG with you when you reach new parenting milestones!

Someone who cares about your whole family

HFA isn’t just about you, and it isn’t just about your baby. It’s for your whole family  – and we believe “family” is whoever you say it is – all types of aunties, grandpas, caregivers, family friends, and more are often part of our family units. And oftentimes, HFA parents have more than one child. So, if another child in your family needs something, we’ll help. Your family as a whole is working to find new housing? We’re there to support everyone.

Someone you can rely on in hard moments

Many parents in HFA have experienced, or are currently experiencing, high levels of stress. Sometimes, the stress comes from lacking access to basic needs, like adequate food, clothing, and a place to live. Sometimes, the stress comes from other relationships in your life. Sometimes, there are critical health needs or concerns.  Sometimes, the stress comes from just being a new parent and not having anyone to support you. You’re not alone. Whether you’re experiencing these kinds of things now, previously, or in the future, we are here to support you in the midst of it all.

Someone who will pay attention to your needs

Your baby benefits from having healthy and supported caregivers, so we want to support you in having the resources you need to take care of your needs so you can take care of your baby. That means we’ll also ask about things that might be coming up for you. We’ll talk about all sorts of things, like how your mental health impacts you and your family. If you want support with this, we’ll work to get you connected in whatever way feels best to you. It might mean counseling, or it might mean that we take some time to talk about how you can reduce your stress and take care of yourself. And if you change your mind about something, we can come back to it at a later visit.

Access to community supports

When we don’t have the answer to a question you have, or when you need something we’re unable to provide directly, we won’t just let your questions and needs linger. We are well-informed about other resources in our community, and if there is a community resource that can help meet your needs, we’ll help you connect to them. If you have questions we don’t know the answers to, we will learn alongside you, and we’ll both grow together.

We partner with you to help the children in your life thrive

We are experts in parent-child relationships

In particular, we are experts in parent-child relationships! One of the most important things we’ll do with you and your family is observe and respond to the interactions between you and your child. All the little moments between you both add up over time and tell us about the quality of the relationship that is developing. We will support you in building a nurturing relationship with your child—the kind of relationship that makes a child feel safe and comforted.

You are the expert on your family

While we might have expertise in parent-child relationships, you are the expert on your family. You’re with them constantly, seeing every little change in your child. And we’ll build off that expertise – the things you notice and are curious about! Who you are is also influenced by your life up until this point, and as you bring forward the stories of your own experiences and your values, we’ll build on those things as you explore how all of that informs your journey as a parent.

When a new baby is born, parents take home this vulnerable little bundle, and they have to learn everything about this new person—their likes and dislikes, how they communicate, what they need, and so on. It can be really difficult to do that without someone else in your corner to believe in you and encourage you to keep going—to let you know you’re on the right track, to tally the wins, and to make sense of the hard parts.