HFA Affiliation Process

We can move at your pace – whether you need to get started quickly, or want to take your time moving through the process.

Pathway to Affiliation

When you affiliate with Healthy Families America® (HFA) you receive our HFA Best Practice Standards, can access HFA training with certified HFA trainers, and are given ongoing support to implement the HFA home visiting model in your community. Plus, you get to join our national network of HFA affiliates who are doing the same thing where they live!

Explore if HFA is the right fit for you

To learn more about HFA, we would encourage you to access the supports available to you on this website and to reach out to our Site Development Specialist, Diana Sanchez for office hours or for a 1:1 conversation. Affiliates typically meet with Diana 2-3 times before submitting their affiliation application. We believe in “no surprises” and want you to feel confident in your decision and next steps.

Submit a completed HFA affiliation application

The application includes general site information, demographics, staff, and funding information. Additionally, we require a signed commitment to the HFA Critical Elements, and a complete implementation plan – requiring in-depth descriptions about how the HFA model will be implemented locally, and a non-refundable $500 affiliation application fee.

Official affiliation begins (within one month)

Typically, it is less than a one-month turnaround from when you submit your application to when you are officially an HFA affiliate! Diana will continue to support you as you gear up to start implementing HFA. There are helpful resources to assist you in getting started, such as an onboarding essentials checklist. You’ll also start setting up meetings with your ongoing HFA Training and TA Specialist, and get your training timeline locked in.

HFA families enroll (or transfer in) - you set the timeline

The timeline from when you affiliate to when you start having families enroll (or transfer in from another home visiting program) is customizable to your unique situation. With HFA’s Stop-Gap training, you’re able to get staff up and running quickly, so there are very few barriers in place for you to get started. We’ll help you think about how to get families connected, enrolled, or transferred in.

Meet your Site Development Specialist, Diana Sanchez

Diana will be your point of contact as you explore the HFA model, and get your questions answered, and she’ll be with you as you get started implementing HFA in your community!

Diana Sanchez

Site Development Specialist

As a former program manager of an HFA site, I can recall the stress of starting a new site. There is so much to learn when working with an evidence-based model, but the support provided eased my stress while growing my confidence in my site implementation and knowledge of HFA. And now, I get to provide that support to others, like you!

Top resources prospective affiliates review

These resources get to the heart of the HFA model and help you assess if HFA is a good fit for you and your community.

Budgeting Calculator

Our budgeting calculator will help you understand your total program cost as well as the cost per family. You can also download an Excel version of the budget to help you get into the details even further.

HFA's Model Flexibility

HFA’s model flexibility means that it works in a variety of communities. Learn more about the ways in which the model is flexible, and explore some specific use cases, such as HFA’s Child Welfare Protocols, and how HFA is implemented with Indigenous Families.

Relational Health - What is it?

HFA’s approach, our underlying philosophy, is unique! We are not an education model, nor a medical model, instead it is a relational health model. Healthy Families integrates the science and study of infant mental health into our day-to-day work.

Dive deeper

If you feel like HFA might be a good fit and are ready to learn more, here’s what we recommend you do next!

Connect with Diana

There’s a variety of ways you can set up a time to connect with Diana! She has monthly office hours, and plenty of availability to connect 1:1 or with your whole group.


Review the Readiness Guide

The readiness guide gets into the nuts and bolts of some of the specifications within the HFA model. Take a look and see if there is anything in there you’d like to speak more about.

Need something else? Don't hesitate to reach out and get connected.

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