Together We Thrive Stories
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Who helped you thrive? Could be a family member, friend, a HFA colleague, or someone else you’ve met along the way. Let’s honor those who have made such a great impact in our lives!
Our stories: Together We Thrive
Nadine Mooney
I am thriving in Healthy Families today because of everyone at Healthy Families Ocean. Annette, Glory, Celia, and Jos are all amazing women who have inspired me to be the person I am today. They have each contributed to my growth in unique ways – Annette’s guidance, Glory’s wisdom, Celia’s compassion, and Jos’s positivity have all played a significant role in shaping me. I have never worked with more encouraging, supportive, and caring individuals. I am so thankful and lucky to call them my colleagues, but most importantly my friends.
HFA Staff Member
When I was an expectant mother, we moved from the Midwest to Georgia. Wewere an 8 hour drive from family and friends, and I wondered how I would manage when the new baby arrived. I knew no one. Being so far from “home” and family wasn’t easy. But little by little, neighbors began to introduce themselves and friendships began to form. The people we met were friendly and seemed to go out of their way to introduce us to others. By the time our baby was born, I had started to feel connected to my “new” home. One neighbor quietly tapped on the door to hand me a hot meal. Another dropped off a box of diapers. A few cards arrived in the mail. I will never forget how good it felt to be accepted into a new place and truly cared for when I needed it most. They say, “It takes a village” and was I ever grateful for the village that surrounded me.
I try to pass along a little of that kindness whenever I can because they taught me, that together, we thrive.
LeighAnn Reynolds
I’ve had several people throughout my life that have helped me keep thriving. I became a mother at the young age of 17, if I would have had it my way back then I would have dropped out of high school and got my GED, but thankfully my mom didn’t let me give up that easy, I graduated high school while raising my baby, with the help of close family members and the free daycare for teen parents in our community. fast-forward a few years, newly married with 3 children ages 5, 2 and 7 months old, we had a tragic housefire and lost everything including the life of our 5-year-old. Life will never be the same, but in that moment my 2 living children and my husband were what kept me going and thriving to find the positive in our terrible situation. Lastly, I want to mention my colleague/Supervisor-program manager Misty Surber, she is one of the most self-less human beings I have ever met, I’m thankful to work beside her and the friendship we have developed. She has helped me countless times problem solve not only with work life but my personal life as well, she is intentional on making sure I balance my work and home life. I believe HFA is extremely lucky to have an employee like her, I look up to her and only hope I can measure up to what she has taught me.
Alyssa Silver
My supervisor, Mallory B., helps me thrive every day in my role as a supervisor. Mallory offered me a position as an HFA supervisor 7 years ago and this was my first supervisor position ever. She has guided me throughout my time as a supervisor with compassion, non-judgment, and an unwavering belief in my ability to impact others around. She never ceases to amazing me with her patience, gentleness, gratitude, and just easy way of being. She is a gentle soul and a fierce protector and advocate for her team and the families we serve. Without Mallory, I know I wouldn’t be the supervisor I am today. She’s truly the best of the best and the impact she has on others and the beautiful ripples it creates in our world are something I strive for because of her leading the way. <3 Thank you, Mallory, from the bottom of my heart for being the person I never new I needed to guide me. xoxo
Danielle Rodgers
The families I service help me be a better person, a better mother, and a more motivated employee. This job has taught me to be grateful and humble. This job has taught me to be compassionate and to listen to people. Not everyone has the same story. I have serviced families that have made such great strides in one year, that I have seen take people many years. Focus and dedication goes so far, but most importantly being able to support and be someone’s cheerleader/motivator is so necessary for many of us to have!
HFA LIVE Attendee
Being a part of this program helps me thrive. The HFA Model, from CHEERS, to the parallel process, to goal planning, resourcing, mindful self-regulation, and using reflective strategies as I build relationships across my life, gave me the ability to understand my personal, relational, and professional needs. It also helped me witness people in my own community building their resilience and strength. With this training, experience, and compassion, I was able to give myself permission to voice concerns about domestic violence in my relationship, make a safety plan, and remove my children and I from the toxic, deadening cycle of abuse. HFA has been a central part of how I thrive when greeting each new day, understanding the challenge of rebuilding my life, and holding space for the stories and experiences of people like me every day.
Lilis Deal
I am thriving in HF because I have a great team at Brightpaths Athens GA. When my mother passed away 5 months ago, they helped me by sending me texts, cards, giving me hugs, have a listening hear when I need and time when I was crying. I would not be able to make without such a tremendous support. We have a caring, supportive and Fabuluos team at Brightpaths!
Abigail McCallum
My relationships in my life help me thrive! My family, my friends, the families that I work with inspire me but how they change and grow! Their bravery and vulnerability constantly astound me and allows me to continue my work as a Family Support Specialist. This work can be hard but so worth it and so fun all at the same time. I am grateful to have found this community of Healthy Families!
Gina Kuebelbeck
We are a small site comprised of 4 staff- 2 family support specialists, a supervisor, and a program director. Nestled in the hills of Missoula, Montana, we are the lone HFA office in the entire state. We suffered a serious blow in 2023 when our previous director unexpectedly resigned and relocated out of state, and each of us that remained had been employed for less than a year. To add to that, we were embarking on our first ever accreditation process, a daunting task for even the most seasoned HFA affiliates. The three of us came together to discuss our options– should any of us falter, or not feel up to the task, getting accredited wouldn’t be feasible. We were in agreement; we would fight to keep this program from going under, regardless of the outcome. We divided the work the best we could: the other family support specialist and I would continue serving families and take on sorting and preparing files in our spare time and our supervisor would quickly learn and execute the completion of the forms. There were many afternoons we huddled together in one office, encouraging one another to keep pushing and offering shoulders and hugs for comfort. A few weeks before the site visit, when we were all burning on both ends and, truthfully, on the brink of individual mental breakdowns, we were told a new director had been hired. To say we were wary would be an understatement. We had become tightly bonded through the painstaking process of taking on this impossible task of accreditation, and the thought of someone disturbing this fragile balance we had cultivated was terrifying. Who was this new director, and how could she possibly integrate herself into the position while we were in the midst of our first site visit? How could we trust this stranger with this monumental assignment that would seal the fate of this program we’ve fought so hard to preserve? We resigned our fate into her hands, and we couldn’t have landed in a more capable, compassionate, and competent set of hands. Ashley arrived with equal amounts of motivation to jump right in and empathy and space for our wariness. It didn’t take long for her to gain our trust and admiration; she masterfully navigated all the courses and learning while fostering individual relationships with each of us. As the three of us lost steam in those last weeks, she approached the task with vigor and passion and effortlessly carried us through accreditation. If you asked her, she would tell you that it was the hard work we put in before her arrival that earned our site the honored “Healthy Families Accredited Site” award we have displayed in our entryway. Did my supervisor and fellow family support specialist keep my head above water, allow me to cry on their shoulder, and fill me with an overwhelming sense of pride and love? Yes, absolutely yes. Without those women, Healthy Foundations would be a fond, bittersweet memory in our community. But it was Ashley, our valiant leader, our compassionate, loving, wise director, that helped us THRIVE.
Claudia Bustillo
My partner helps me thrive. She shows me unconditional love and support and has been the soil that lets me grow. I have changed so much as a person since i met her and I do it for her and for me.
Karen Carter
19 years ago, I was at a meeting and seated next to the director from Good Beginnings. Her name was Vikki Thompson, and I remarked that I had worked at Good Beginnings 13 years prior as a home visitor. We exchanged business cards because that’s what we did. Several months later I received an email from Vikki inquiring whether I would like a job at Good Beginnings as a supervisor because one of her supervisors was moving and she thought I would be a good fit as a coordinator/supervisor. I interviewed and got the job! 19 years later I am still at Good Beginnings, but sadly Vikki Thompson is no longer the director. She retired 5 years ago and passed away 2 weeks ago. I say that she has helped me thrive because she was a role model and mentor in my early years as a supervisor. She saw something in me that I didn’t quite see for myself. I modeled my leadership style as one similar to her. Even on her busiest day, she would take time to listen, really listen to a concern I may have or looking at something a little differently. Professionally, she encouraged me to do more, to learn more and at her encouragement I became a peer reviewer, and a CPR instructor. Personally, she helped guide me through some rough patches parenting 2 teenage daughters. She was the most understanding supervisor when my father died. She was also incredibly understanding and showed compassion as I went through chemo and radiation. Not a week goes by that I don’t quote a “Vikki-ism”. I marveled at her wisdom and her ability to keep all the plates spinning without breaking. Today I will honor Vikki Thompson as an important figure in my HFA life and one who made an impact on my life. She is the yardstick by which I measure my ability as a leader.
Marion Wilson
I would say my colleague Lesa McFarlande Charles has helped me thrive. I have been doing HFA for 8 years now in the Virgin Islands. Our group is small yet we have lost so many co-workers during this journey. Lesa keeps my spirit up and constantly encourages me to hang in there when I feel like given up due to the all around emotional impact of families and personal life. I love and respect her like a “baby” sister and when support was limited for me, she has been “my person”. She calls me every day just to check in and make sure I am o.k. I thrive because of her. I am grateful to her. May God Bless the “Lesa’s” in our lives.
HFA Staff Member
My HFA home visitor from 8 years ago helped me thrive. That relationship set things in motion for me and gave me the key to choosing my own path as a mother, person, and for my career. I began 4 years ago as an FSS/FRS 12 hours a week and am now a Supervisor. This program is life-changing—I am a product of it.
Brie Thurman
My mother really helped me and continues to help me thrive. She taught me how to be a strong, faith-filled and independent woman growing up. She inspires me every day with her strength. She raised two kids while working a full-time job and getting her degree and still making the time to spend time with us. My mom showed up in every way and is always there when I need her. She conquered breast cancer 10 years ago and it never slowed her down. She encourages me to try new things and maintain a balance in life. She taught me so much about how to be confident in who I am and how to be kind without compromising my boundaries. My mom has taught me how to have fun and that it is important to not take myself or others too seriously. She has showed me that life does not always go as planned and that is okay, it is all about how you move forward. My mom has had a major influence in my life and while we do not always see eye to eye, she is my biggest supporter and if there was ever a person I want to be like or compared to then it is Frannie. I am so proud to have her as my mom and that she has helped me to thrive in life because of who she is as a person and a mother.
HFA Staff Member
My HFA mentor has helped me thrive for many years! The way she IS with everyone is something to behold. She exudes grace and compassion and is masterful with using HFA’s Reflective Strategies. My experiences with her have changed who I am and how I am. She has inspired me to have more self-awareness, to extend more grace and compassion and to be brave – AND to use the Reflective Strategies! I am beyond grateful to have found HFA and to have been blessed with an incredible mentor who helps me thrive everyday.
HFA Staff Member
My very first HFI supervisor helped me feel that this line of work and myself truly have a purpose. I was guided with love, understanding, and grace. In a world were sometimes it feels as though all empathy has disappeared I am grateful to have a HFA family. I will forever be grateful to my own family, friends, colleagues, and participants who empower, motivate, and ultimately give me a purpose while navigating this thing we call life!
HFA Staff Member
My Church Family helps me thrive. I have walked through some challenging circumstances and had it not been for the support, encouragement, prayers, accountability, and even direct conversations I don’t know how things would have turned out. Just this past winter while I was planning for my early May wedding it was without question that the guest list for my side would include most of my Church Family as they are the ones who I can count on in time of stress and joy. My pastor and his wife are more than that, they are my friends! Some of the most impactful and important people in my life are the older ladies in my church who are my friends and spiritual mothers to me!
Linda Grizzle
The women of Healthy Families East TN, have helped me thrive. Starting with my interview, I noticed that the women I met that day all seemed to genuinely enjoy each other and were open and welcoming towards me. Ali W. in my opinion took a leap of faith in hiring me, a sixty one year old woman who was hoping to make a small difference in this world. I have been with HF for three years and these women make me want to be a better person. From our leaders Stephanie R. aka, Dolly, Rae W.,to the team leads and my peers, thanks for the sharing of your experiences, knowledge and humor. Debbie G, and Arzu, what would I do without you . Pam you will always be my boo.
Nadine Mooney
I also want to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for the families I have the privilege of working with on a daily basis. They are a huge reason why I am thriving!! Each family I work with presents me with a unique set of challenges, but they also bring a wealth of diverse perspectives and individual strengths. It’s truly inspiring to witness the resilience and determination of each family. These families help me thrive because by working with them I am constantly reminded of the incredible human spirit and its capacity for growth.
Tiara Smith
There’s an African proverb that says “It takes A Village” that typically refers to raising children. While I believe that is true, I believe it also takes a village to keep an adult sane!! My village (which includes my parents, brother, best friend, close friends who have family, college friends and sorority sister) helps me thrive. They are my go to people whenever anything is going on in life and they help me keep perspective.
Chrystal Mercado
I was a mom in the program, who was struggling with postpartum depression after giving birth to my 3rd child. My Family support counselor at the time really helped me navigate that part of motherhood by listening to me and providing me with tools to apply to my everyday life she was an amazing support during that period of my life when graduating the program, she believed in me more then I believed in myself and encouraged me to apply for the Family Support position that had recently opened up and I did and now I get to support mamas on their motherhood journey and be a part of something meaningful I’m extremely thankful for her.
Natalie Oliver
My uncle and aunt helped me thrive. My mother was an alcoholic, so she gave full custody of me and my brother to my aunt and uncle. My brother and I grew up together on a farm in Kentucky. Our basic needs were met, stability and security. We both finished school and went to college. While living with our relatives, we were exposed to the arts, plays, and travel.
Persempathy Harrell
There are so many people in my life that have helped me to be the person that I am today. I stand on the shoulders of giants, and I really am so thankful for the chance to live the life that I have today. Everyday is a gift. There was a point in time in my life that I no longer had the desire to live. I was abused several times by trusted adults in my life. I felt worthless and started making all the wrong choices. My Pastor Davell Lloyd taught me what the Bible teaches about living a Holy life. My sisters and brothers at church showed me a good example and everyone supported me. Now my life is sweet and I am so thankful to be able to be that person for others.
HFA LIVE Attendee
My children helped me thrive. when I was going through a very challenging time in my life and theirs as well, they helped me by staying calm when I knew they wanted to lash out.
Angie Farris
My HFA team here in Huron County helps me thrive! My team is very passionate about the work we do and seeing families thrive. Our Home Visitors care not only for the families they serve and support, but they care about our team. We are in contact about exciting life events such as marriages, babies, nieces and nephews being born. We are also in contact and check in on one another with challenging or sad life events such as the death of loved ones, illness, disappointment of not getting a house that is desired. You name it, our team shares it and we genuinely care for one another. I’m very proud to be the leader of our HFA Tribe, but even more proud to just be a part of the Tribe.
Keisha Pettaway
Someone who has helped me thrive is my Director Ms. Shantae wheeler. She has really fulfilled her position in her, while I have been in my role as a home visitor to now program supervisor. She shines her light bright on anyone she touches or comes into contact with. She empowers me, motivates, drives to want nothing but the best. Even at times when I am not my best, she there to up lift me, make me laugh, push me to do self-care. I couldn’t ask for better leadership then her. She always putting her self last and thinking of others first. It’s a honor to know and to work with her!
Shameka Erby
Yomaira helps me thrive. I can be a wild thing, flighty and scatterbrained, moving from one thing to another so I don’t get bored too quickly. Yomaira helps me focus, gives me tools and resources to settle myself and help me organize. She makes space for my emotional outbursts, big and small, and sometimes even has them with me. She is always there to pick me up, and understand. She cares about how I’m doing, not just what I do. She’s fair and she listens.
Shameka Erby
My gran helped me thrive. She has been my most lasting example of surviving and living on your own terms. Everything good I have is because she prayed for me. And that includes this job. I was ready to give up, but she didn’t let me. HFA opened up my world, but I wouldn’t even have it if my gran hadn’t urged me to keep going.