About Prevent Child Abuse America
Since 1972, Prevent Child Abuse America has defined the national approach to the prevention of child abuse and neglect.
Our North Star:
All children and families are living a purposeful and happy life with hope for the future.
Creating the community context and conditions for families to thrive
HFA Families are building nurturing relationships with their children, championing their children’s health and development, and cultivating a flourishing future for their families. PCA America, the parent organization to HFA, knows how important this is and utilizes its organizational leadership and expertise to be a champion for all families, recognizing that the decisions made by county, state, and federal lawmakers impact all of us. The physical environment we live in and the resources available in our communities affect us. For example, are we able to access nourishing food and have a restful place to sleep? Can our kids go to childcare and school and be surrounded by adults who care? Do we feel safe in our homes and in our neighborhoods? Do we have time to invest in meaningful relationships with our families and friends?
PCA America focuses on these big-picture issues impacting families across the country, creating the context for equitable and positive childhoods for all children. Together, we imagine a world where all children and families are living a purposeful and happy life with hope for the future.
Here are some of the ways all families are at the center of what we do:
Partnerships with State Chapters
PCA America’s state chapter network provides state-level leadership, advocacy, and coalition building. They also implement programs to strengthen families, such as Connections Matter and Circle of Parents. Many are also implementing or advocating for Healthy Families America and the home visiting field at large. State chapters are great partners in our work, and we are thankful for them!

Public Policy
At PCA America, we advocate for a wider set of policies and services to strengthen families and communities, promote healthy child development, and prevent child abuse and neglect before it happens. PCA America has recently advocated for important issues such as the child tax credit and increasing available funding communities can use for home visiting programs like HFA.

PCA America emphasizes the critical importance of research in analyzing and studying what’s working and not working, with a focus on improving the systems and supports for children and families. This includes broader issues such as paid family leave and childcare subsidies.
The more we know, the better we can advocate for policies and programs that will positively impact the lives of children and families across the country.

Systems Change
PCA America’s Theory of Change brings changemakers across the country together to center families as partners in decision-making, transform the narrative on and create a shared value for prevention, build and leverage evidence and influence to advocate for effective policies, programs, and practices, and amplify collaborative learning and adaptive action.

Our leadership
PCA America team members support the critical work listed above and ensure the effective management of our organization, serving in key roles such as development, finance, and administrative support.
Melissa Merrick, PhD
President & CEO

Kelly Christopher
Chief Development Officer

Jennifer Jones
Chief Strategy Officer

Bart Klika
Chief Research Officer

Mary Lubben
Chief Financial Officer

Takkeem Morgan
Senior Communications Director

Anita Odom
National Director of State Chapters

Kathleen Strader
National Director, Healthy Families America