HFA and Advocacy

At Healthy Families America, we believe it is important for HFA staff and families to educate public officials about issues important to them and their communities.

Why do we need to advocate?

Public officials make important decisions about funding!

HFA programs receive most of their funding from federal, state, or local government sources. We need to help public officials make informed decisions about how those resources are used and the impact those investments are having on families and children.

We have important knowledge public officials need!

There are many issues critical to ensuring HFA families and children have what they need to be healthy and thrive, including childcare and early education, health and mental health supports, family economic supports, job training, and so much more. Those of us working closely with families have firsthand knowledge public officials need and want!

The foundation of advocacy is building relationships and that’s what HFA is all about.

Advocacy Building Blocks

The building blocks of advocacy are hard-wired into the HFA way! Here are some ideas of where to start.

Foster Relationships

It’s easier than you think! Public officials, such as state legislators, members of Congress, and city officials, have staff who are dedicated to meeting with community members. Call and set up a meeting to talk about your great work! For members of Congress, reach out to the local district office.

Connect with local and state advocates

Your job is to serve families, not monitor public policy! Connect with local and state advocacy organizations and have them keep you updated on what issues are before public officials and the best time to speak up.

Provide advocacy opportunities

Once you’re connected with an advocacy organization, you can keep your staff and families informed about when they can speak up on issues that matter to them. Also make sure you encourage and support staff and families to vote!

Share family stories

Families are the most powerful messengers! Being an advocate can be life changing, especially when parents are authentically engaged and empowered. Prepare, protect, and reflect with families so it is a positive experience all around!

Talk about HFA’s impact

HFA has over 30 years of research showing positive results with families in geographically and racially diverse communities. Share our Evidence with public officials and their staff and connect these results to the experiences of HFA families you serve.

Host a site visit

There’s nothing like inviting someone into your ‘home’ to build and strengthen a relationship. Invite a public official and/or their staff to come and hear directly from your staff and families. It takes a little planning (we’ll help!), but the payoff is enormous!

You already have what it takes to be a voice and resource for lawmakers across this county!

What about other important policies that impact families and communities?

This is where it’s such a gift that Healthy Families America is part of a bigger family – the Prevent Child Abuse America family.

At PCA America, collectively, we advocate for a wider set of policies and services that strengthen families and communities, promote healthy child development, and prevent child abuse and neglect before it happens.

Policy Spotlight: Child Tax Credit

The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is just one example of the policies we advocate for, knowing it strengthens families and communities.

Policies such as the Child Tax Credit (CTC) have evidence of reducing the stressors of poverty that can overload families, promote safe and nurturing family environments, and ultimately build more prosperous communities. The CTC is a critical policy option that increases family financial stability, reduces child poverty, and prevents child abuse and neglect.

Income from tax credits like the CTC has lasting impacts and supports children throughout their lives. Its impact has been linked to better childhood nutrition, higher school enrollment rates, higher graduation rates, increased rates of college entry, and greater earnings into young adulthood. The CTC boosts local communities and state economies by bolstering families’ incomes.

Valerie, Kentucky

The Child Tax Credit puts unrestricted funds into parents and caregivers’ hands so their focus can shift from meeting basic needs to supporting their children to thrive in all ways beyond financial. Every little bit helps, especially when it prevents small, unexpected expenses from becoming larger worries. A baseline income consistency and constant also gives parents more options for upward financial mobility — it costs more money to pursue higher career options that would lead to long-term income and stability. Families need the child tax credit because children need care, and that care costs money.

Advocacy Support for HFA Sites

Contact Us

The policy staff are here to support you! Contact us for additional guidance on any of the advocacy building blocks.

Find Resources

Check out our network resources for more advocacy tips and tools for setting up meetings or site visits, supporting family engagement, and more!