Parent Graduates of the Year

2022 Parent Graduates of the Year

Amie, HFA Parent from Tennessee

Amie’s advice to other parents:

Always put on your own mask first. You can not be a good parent to your child if you are not taking good care of yourself.

Stephanie and Junior, HFA Parents in Ohio

It was nice to feel at any point in our time, if my confidence faltered, we could always go back to Help Me Grow. We could always go back to them. And all we had to do was just tell Lori, our home visitor, what we were feeling or what our thoughts were or what our insecurities were and if she didn’t have advice she’d be like, “well I can find somebody who does”. It wasn’t long after that that she kinda just felt like family that was coming.

2021 Parent Graduates of the Year


HFA Parent Graduate from DC

¿Cuál es su consejo para otros padres?

Que no tengan miedo porque aveces no queremos dejar entrar a nadie en nuestra casa por temor a perder la privacidad. Pero el programa solo entrapara ayudarnos a crecer como padres y seres humanos. Es invaluable el aprendizaje que recibi.

La trabajadora de apoyo es mas que una ayuda para mi es un miembros mas de mi familia que esta interezada en un bien comun que es mi hija y su desarrollo. Para mi todo este programa es un apoyo emociona, cognitivo, y recursos materiales.


HFA Parent Graduate from DC

What is your advice to other parents?

Not to be afraid, because sometimes we don’t want to let anyone in our homes for fear that we will lose our privacy. But home visitors only come to help us grow as parents and human beings. What I learned is invaluable.

My [home visitor] is more than someone who helps me; she is like a family member, and we share a common interest that is my daughter and her development. This whole program gave me emotional and cognitive support, and material resources.


HFA Parent Graduate from DC


HFA Parent Graduate from DC

2020 Parent Graduates of the Year


HFA Parent Graduate of the Year, 2020

Life is not always easy, but don’t you give up. Stay strong, do your best, and reach out for help if you need it. Support and take care of your child. Cherish the first three years because they are some of the most important times of a child’s life and they pass by so quickly.

Unnamed, Parent Grad of the Year

HFA Parent Graduate of the Year, 2020

My advice, especially to young moms to be, don’t let anyone make you feel incompetent. You can overcome anything, and your past isn’t what makes you. You make you. Your choices and decisions to strive for better, though you may get knocked down time to time, it’s not impossible. It will be overcome, and I hope this helps you when you’re feeling those rough days. You’re not alone. Reach out!


HFA Parent Graduate of the Year, 2020

HFA Parent Graduate of the Year, 2020

2019 Parent Graduates of the Year


HFA Parent Graduate of the Year, 2019

You know, I always got told that my life was going to end because I was pregnant and having a child at a young age. Life really doesn’t end, it’s the start of something new, a new adventure with a little person who you want to be able to give the world to! Having a [home visitor] is having someone who cares for you and that little person. It feels great to have someone care for you the way Ana [my home visitor] cared for me and my child.


HFA Parent Graduate of the Year, 2019

The biggest goal (more like a miracle!) I have accomplished is getting my other 2 kids back out of foster care. Also, [we] worked hard to get our 1st apartment ever, and have maintained it still to this day. My husband got off of parole after being on it for 12 years, in and out of prison, and I got my criminal record expunged.


HFA Parent Graduate of the Year, 2019


HFA Parent Graduate of the Year, 2019