PCA America Research Team Explores Impact of Family-Friendly Policies

May 15, 2024

Science informs all the work we do at Prevent Child Abuse America. We define science as data, research, and lived experience. Our team of experts work across all departments to ensure that our prevention strategies are guided by the best available science. We also translate research findings for practice and policy audiences and the public, elevating lessons learned from the field and advancing knowledge of what works.

PCA America’s Research Team has hypothesized that supportive, family-friendly policies will lead to a decrease in family violence. What have they learned so far about the impact of Paid Family Leave and Child-Care Subsidies?

  • Having a baby is stressful for new caregivers. Paid Family Leave (PFL) provides families with financial support during this time. It allows them to bond with their baby and not worry about where their next paycheck will come from.
  • States vary in how they design childcare subsidy policies and define who qualifies. Expansive policies, such as having higher income limits and lower work requirements, may lead to fewer child abuse and neglect (CAN) reports and cases to child welfare.
  • Policies like Paid Family Leave (PFL) and Child Care Subsidies (CCS) must be intentional in supporting fathers following their child’s birth.

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HFA sites can also watch the recording of our conversation with the PCA America Research Team about these findings on Network Resources